Treble NYC

New York City's Premier Women's A Capella Group

2018 auditions FORM

Treble is holding auditions this year! Before submitting yourself for consideration, please read the Audition and FAQs page

Please fill out this audition questionnaire and Treble will contact you. 

Audition Submission Deadline: August 12


Step 1: Create your video audition. 

Step 2: Fill out this form & submit the link to your video. (Deadline 8/12) 

Step 3: Save these dates! Your potential audition will be held 9/11 or 9/12, and callbacks will be 9/20. 

Step 4: If we are able to schedule you for an audition, you will hear from Ellen, our auditions coordinator.

Auditions Location

New York, NY

We will share specifics on audition location in the coming weeks!

New york city's premier women's a cappella group and holiday carolers